Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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/* tklex.h - defines for tklex package
* 27.Jul.87 jimmc Initial definition
* 18.Jan.88 jimmc Move definition of TkInfo into this file from tklex.c
/* Token types */
#define TkEOF (-1)
#define TkOParen '('
#define TkCParen ')'
#define TkString '"'
#define TkNumber '9'
#define TkSymbol 'S'
typedef int (*INTFUNCPTR)();
typedef struct _TkInfo {
/* All values in this structure are private to the Tk routines;
* the definition is included in this file only to allow the structure
* pointer to be used in the TkHandle typedef.
char *filename; /* name of input file */
FILE *f; /* input file pointer */
int lineno; /* input line number (for error messages) */
int pushedtoken; /* allow one token pushback */
char *pbchars; /* pushed back characters */
int pballoc; /* number of bytes allocated in pbchars */
int pbindex; /* index into pbchars */
/* If there are no chars pushed back, pbindex==pballoc; each time a char
* is pushed back, pbindex is decremented; each time one is read, it is
* incremented. Thus, the pushback characters in pbchars are stored
* at the end of the pbchars array; printing pbchars[pbindex] will
* print the current push-back string.
* An extra null character is always left on the end (not counted in
* pballoc) so that this can be done (for debugging).
int stringalloc; /* size of stringvalue buffer */
int stringcount; /* number of chars used (not including null) */
char *stringvalue; /* where we store the string values */
/* The stringvalue buffer is used to collect strings which will later
* be returned to the caller.
} TkInfo;
typedef TkInfo *TkHandle;
/* Routines */
extern TkHandle TkInit();
extern int TkDone();
extern int TkGet(); /* get next token */
extern int TkNumberValue(); /* get value of token when TkNumber */
extern char *TkStringValue(); /* get value of token when TkString */
extern INTFUNCPTR TkSetFatalHandler(); /* set handler for errors */
extern INTFUNCPTR TkSetFatalHandler(); /* set handler for errors */
/* end */